Headset System

The Headset System is an adaptor for the SDK to work with different XR plugins (or without one). This keeps the systems device agnostic and takes advantage of key features from different plugin providers. This way, I can strategically tailor development and builds to the following:

  • Rapidly develop and test using Editor Emulator
  • Use Oculus Integrations to test live in editor via headset
  • Build on Oculus Integrations for better performance settings
  • Build on OpenXR Plugin for universal headset support
  • Support future configurations

Architecturally, the Headset System unifies many Unity systems & external plugins and interfaces them to provide a sound development environment. For context, VR development wasn’t as standardized before so it was incredibly difficult to develop without things breaking. Behind the scenes, the Headset System is constantly checking if any configurations becomes invalid. This made development much more stable, and allowed my developers to focus more on developing and less debugging.